At Extraordinary Sitting of RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs

On December 16, the extraordinary sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs moderated by Naira Zohrabyan was held, where the Committee member Sargis Khandanyan proposed to create a Working Group which would be involved in fight against speech of hatred directed to the reforms of the RA legislation.

As the deputy has informed, the Working Group will function for 6 months, where 11 deputies will be included, 7 out of them will represent the RA NA My Step Faction, 2 out of them – the RA NA Prosperous Armenia Faction, 2 out of them – the RA NA Bright Armenia Faction.

The Committee Chair Naira Zohrabyan and the deputies expressed hope that the Working Group would debate and find solutions to the global problems. To their conviction, the process of the legislation reform will not impede the freedom of speech.

The deputy of the RA NA My Step Faction Sargis Khandanyan was elected Head of the Working Group.

Standing Committee on European Integration Hosts Chairman of European Union Affairs Committee of Senate of Poland
On May 16, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on European Integration Arman Yeghoyan, the Deputy Chair of the Committee Meri Galstyan, the members Sona Ghazaryan and Tatevik Gasparyan met with the Chairman of the European Union Affairs Committee of the Senate of the Republic of Poland Bogdan ...

Delegation led by Alen Simonyan is in Geneva on a working visit
On May 16, the RA NA President Alen Simonyan took part in the Meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the Sixth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in the city of Geneva of the Swiss Confederation.This year Armenia was elected Member of the Preparatory ...