Members of Armenia-Syria Friendship Group Meet with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Syria to Armenia
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On October 23, the Head of the RA NA Armenia-Syria Friendship Group Tigran Ulikhanyan and the members of the Group met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Syrian Arab Republic to the RA Mohammed Haj Ibrahim.

Welcoming the Ambassador in the parliament Tigran Ulikhanyan, on behalf of the Friendship Group and him condemned the military invasion by Turkey to the sovereign territory of Syria.

The MP has underlined that the actions of the Turkish military force are unacceptable for Armenia not only for the Armenians living in Syria, but also in terms of endangering every citizen’s life.

The Head of the Friendship Group expressed hope that the international organizations also would make condemning announcements and would prevent the further deepening of the conflict with practical intervention.

Thanking for the support the Ambassador Mohammed Haj Ibrahim always highly assessed the humanitarian mission of Armenia.

Speaking about the actions perpetrated by the Turkish authorities in his country the Ambassador touched upon the Armenian Genocide.

Mohammed Haj Ibrahim expressed hope that Armenia would support Syria in the reconstruction process, too.

The MPs were also interested in the destinies of the women and children, as well as the representatives of the Yazidi community who suffered from the Turkish actions.

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