Representatives of RA NA Prosperous Armenia Faction Meet with U.S. Ambassador to RA
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On August 30, the members of the RA NA Prosperous Armenia Faction Naira Zohrabyan, Mikayel Melkumyan, Shake Isayan met with the U.S. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Armenia Lynne Tracy.

The interlocutors discussed a number of issues of mutual interest.

The Ambassador was interested in the legislative initiatives to be presented by the faction during the autumn session. In this context the parliamentarians informed that the initiatives would be in different directions: human rights, economic and anti-corruption strategy. As a Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs, Naira Zohrabyan also talked about the problem of violence against women and the legislative regulations concerning them. The item of the most topical item of these days Amulsar was also touched upon.

The Ambassador Lynne Tracy noted that she would be glad to cooperate with the parliamentary factions for supporting the agenda of Armenia’s democratic reforms.