Ararat Mirzoyan: Numerous are the Opportunities of Expanding the Armenian-Estonian Cooperation
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On April 25, the President of the RA National Assembly Ararat Mirzoyan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Estonia to Armenia Kai Kaarelson (residence in Tbilisi).

Welcoming the Ambassador in parliament the Head of the legislative body has noted that warm friendly relations exist between the two countries. With regards to their further deepening and expansion Ararat Mirzoyan highlighted the role of the inter-parliamentary relations, as well as the parliamentary diplomacy. He informed the Ambassador that recently the Parliamentary Friendship Group with the Baltic countries was formed, expressing hope that similar Group would also be formed in the legislative body of Estonia.

The President of the National Assembly expressed his gratitude to the Estonian side for Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, expressing confidence that it would essentially give new quality to the cooperation with the European Union as well as Armenia-Estonia.

Ararat Mirzoyan considered symbolic that Kai Kaarelson’s visit to Yerevan coincided with the days, when the Armenian people commemorate the Armenian Genocide anniversary perpetrated in Ottoman Turkey in 1915, a reality that was recognized by the legislative bodies of numerous countries. The Head of the parliament expressed hope that Estonia also would join the series of those countries.

In her turn the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Estonia to the RA also highlighted the activation of the inter-parliamentary ties, the parliamentary contacts, the exchange of experience and information.

The Ambassador expressed confidence that Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement would open new perspectives for the cooperation between the two countries.

The sides touched upon the directions that in the future could be on the cooperation agenda: experience of the parliamentary system of government, electronic government way of the power bodies’ activities, issues concerning the cooperation in the spheres of information technologies and other spheres.

“Numerous are the opportunities of expanding the Armenian-Estonian cooperation,” Ararat Mirzoyan noted.