Representatives of the Human Rights International Federation in Parliament
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On April 12, the Member of the RA NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Agriculture and Environment Mary Galstyan met with the Head of Globalisation and Human Rights Desk at International Federation for Human Rights Maddalena Neglia, the Head of the Eastern Europe desk Ilya Nuzov, the Director at Civil Society Institute Artak Kirakosyan and the Consultant at Civil Society Institute Maya Barkhudaryan.

The International Federation for Human Rights and the Civil Society Institute initiated a joint project looking into the implementation in Armenia of the international standards on Business and Human Rights with a particular focus on the mining industry impacts.

Issues on cooperation of the mining industry and human rights, the right to living in clean environment, the assessment of the impact in human health and a number of issues were discussed. The mechanisms of providing justice accessibility in the sphere, the decent awareness of the affected communities’ population, the fair and equal distribution or the economic revenues and expenditure-profit were highlighted. The participants touched upon the regulations of the issues mentioned in the legislative field.

The Head of Globalisation and Human Rights Desk at International Federation for Human Rights referred to the possible ways of bilateral cooperation. It was noted that within the undergoing study similar meetings would be organized also with the representatives of the private sector, state bodies, NGOs to reflect the situation existing in the field and the challenges facing the relevant concerned bodies.

Standing Committee on European Integration Hosts Chairman of European Union Affairs Committee of Senate of Poland
On May 16, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on European Integration Arman Yeghoyan, the Deputy Chair of the Committee Meri Galstyan, the members Sona Ghazaryan and Tatevik Gasparyan met with the Chairman of the European Union Affairs Committee of the Senate of the Republic of Poland Bogdan ...

Delegation led by Alen Simonyan is in Geneva on a working visit
On May 16, the RA NA President Alen Simonyan took part in the Meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the Sixth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in the city of Geneva of the Swiss Confederation.This year Armenia was elected Member of the Preparatory ...