Ruben Rubinyan: Newly Elected Parliament of Armenia is Committed to Carry Out Formation of Friendship Groups Exclusively Stemming from Principle of Effective Activity Logic
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On February 7, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Ruben Rubinyan received the Charge d'Affaires of the Republic of Iraq to Armenia Mrs Alia Mahmoud Salman Al Zubeidi.

The Chair of the Standing Committee highly assessed the dynamics of the development of the relations between the two countries’ parliaments and expressed hope that at present the activity of the newly elected legislative bodies of both Armenia and Iraq would be more purposeful for giving a new quality and efficiency to the existing relations.

In her turn Al Zubeidi congratulated Ruben Rubinyan on being elected in the position having coordinating role and responsibility in the implementation of the parliamentary diplomacy and noted that the further effective activity of both sides would promote the inter-parliamentary relations, particularly the activation of cooperation between the Friendship Groups.

In the course of the meeting both parties touched upon the potential of the development of the existing cooperation, emphasized the perspectives of cooperation in the spheres of energy, tourism and other spheres.

The importance of the more purposeful cooperation of the Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Groups existing in the parliaments of the two countries was also debated.

“The newly elected parliament is committed to carry out formation of all friendship groups, including Armenia-Iraq Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group, exclusively stemming from principle of effective activity logic,” Ruben Rubinyan said.

The Committee Chair expressed hope that the parliaments of Armenia and Iraq would contribute to calling into life as quickly as possible all the agreements reached between the two countries.