At Sitting of NA Investigative Committee Created to Study Gas and Electric Power Supply and Activities of Distribution Systems and Substantiation of Gas and Electric Power Functioning Tariffs
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On November 13, the Investigative Committee Created to Study the Gas and Electric Power Supply and Activities of Distribution Systems, Substantiation of the Gas and Electric Power Functioning Tariffs, moderated by the Committee Chair Mikayel Melkumyan, convened a sitting.

The Deputy Chairman of the RA Public Services Regulatory Commission Mikayel Soghomonyan answered the Committee members’ raised questions, which related to the state policy being implemented in the system, the activities of producing enterprises, the possible reduction of prices, the revision of normative base, the losses of gas and electric power and the methodology of the Armenian Energy Networks' assessment.

The RA Acting Minister of Energy Sub-Structures and Natural Resources Garegin Baghramyan has noted that comprehensive audit and studies of expenditure loss is implemented in all companies.

Summing up the sitting, the Committee Chair Mikayel Melkumyan said that next week press conference would take place next week and they would touch upon the issues debated in the Committee.

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