RA NA President Ara Babloyan Sends Condolence Message on Yuri Vardanyan’s Death
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“I learnt with deep grief on untimely death of the legend of the end of the 20th century of the Armenian weightlifting, well acclaimed athlete Yuri Vardanyan.

For the generations Yuri Vardanyan will remain a man, who was always expanding our notions and bringing the golden awards of the sport world to Armenia. Now, it is difficult to count that due to his glorious victories how many times the words Armenia and Yerevan have sounded on the world sport platforms and gave us moments of joy and national pride.

Yuri Vardanyan was not only the greatest Armenian weightlifter of all times, Olympic Champion, Multiple Champion of the world, Europe and the Soviet Union, but also a public figure living with the Armenians’ cares, who was elected deputy of the Supreme Council of Soviet Armenia, then he had about one dozen of high and responsible positions in the Republic of Armenia.

At this moment of the heavy loss for everybody on behalf of the parliament of the Republic of Armenia and me I express my deepest condolences to Yuri Vardanyan’s family and relatives, the whole Armenian sport world and share their disconsolate grief,” the message of the Head of the RA Parliament reads.