Chair of RA NA Standing Committee on European Integration Meets with Members of Deceased Servicemen’s Families
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On July 24, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on European Integration met with the representatives of the Relief NGO Ceasefire: Pain of Human Loss, whose sons and husbands died during the military service.

The members of the organisation discussed a number of problems related to the RA Law on Social Insurance of the Servicemen and Their Family Members with the Committee Chair, noting that the privileges which are set out by that law and by relevant decisions of the RA Government, are insufficient. They asked the MP's support in order the parliament would debate and amend the law, expanding the format of the established privileges.

According to the mothers of the deceased servicemen, different officials refuse to provide even the established privileges in many cases.

Naira Zohrabyan promised the guests to study the problem and make legislative initiative. The Committee Chair intends to debate the issue with the RA Minister of Defense Davit Tonoyan for initiating amendments in the legal acts regulating the sphere.