Ara Babloyan Congratulates Armenian Great Philanthropist Louise Manoogian Simone on Her Birth Anniversary
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Distinguished Mrs Manoogian,

I cordially congratulate you on your 85th anniversary.

Your contribution to the creation of the educational and cultural structures and preservation of Armenian identity in Diaspora is great. At the same time your activity has always been aimed at the strengthening of the Motherland. While being Head of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) you especially showed assistance for the healing of the wounds of Spitak earthquake and Artsakh War and the implementation of numerous initiatives in the newly independent Armenia.

You brilliantly followed the programs of your father, the National Hero of Armenia, great philanthropist Alex Manoogian, which you implement also today. Your character of daughter, national and public figure should be an example for the growing generation.

I wish you health, happiness and all the best.

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