Speaker of the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia

On March 7 at the invitation of RA NA President Artur Baghdasaryan Ingrida Udre, Speaker of the Saeima of Latvia and the delegation members headed by her met Artur Baghdasaryan, President of the National Assembly, Vice Presidents Tigran Torosyan and Vahan Hovhannisyan, representatives of standing committees and factions and group. The ambassadors of two countries were present at the meeting.

Welcoming the guests RA NA President Artur Baghdasaryan highlighted the inter-governmental and inter-parliamentary cooperation between two countries, considering necessary the activation of the cooperation between the committees, friendship groups of two parliaments and in the international parliamentary organizations. Underscoring that the foreign political priority of our country is the European orientation, the NA President considered important to have the legislation of Armenia complied with the European standards, in this sense considering useful the accumulated experience of Latvia in joining the European Union. An Ad-hoc Committee on Matters of Integration in European Structures has been set up in the Armenian parliament and by the order of NA President, working group functions, which is involved in harmonizing the legislation of Armenia with European standards. About 90% of the undertaken obligations in CE are fulfilled, the local self-government and legal systems are getting improved, and activities are carried out towards the Constitutional and Electoral Code. The necessity of ratifying the inter-governmental agreements in the sphere of science, culture, education and other spheres was highlighted. NA President Artur Baghdasaryan highlighted the support of Latvia within the framework “Wider Europe: New Neighbourhood.”

Mr. Baghdasaryan highlighted the necessity of regional integration, which can be a prerequisite of regulating the conflicts.

NA President noted that this year is the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and the parliaments of many European countries touched upon this matter. It is expected that the parliament of Latvia will undertake steps in that sense.

Tigran Torosyan, RA NA Vice President and Chairman of the Ad-hoc Committee on Matters of Integration in European Structures expressed his gratitude to the Latvian side for promoting Armenia within the framework “Wider Europe: New Neighbourhood” and expressed a hope that the cooperation in this direction and the Armenian side will do everything to put it at a new level, to which the cooperation memorandum signed between the committees will greatly promote.

Highlighting the cooperation in international structures, Vice President Vahan Hovhannisyan noted that he sees a serious obstacle for Armenia in the fulfillment of the programme “Wider Europe: New Neighbourhood,” as now the issue of Turkey joining the European Union is being discussed: Turkey has organized the blockade over Armenia and the aggressive statements made by Turkey do not contribute to the solution of the problem. Turkey has not recognized the fact of the Armenian Genocide, and the lifting of the blockade and the recognition of the Genocide should be a prerequisite in joining the European Union. It was noted that 70000 Armenians living in Europe are citizens of European Union and one should not take into account their opinion in joining Turkey into European Union.

Ingrida Udre, Speaker of the Saeima of Latvia also highlighted the development of the relations between two countries, at the same time considering necessary international, especially, the activation of cooperation in European structures. It was noted that as a country newly joined the European Union, Latvia is interested in the policy pursued by the neighbouring countries and the situation in South Caucasus region. It was noted that the cooperation within the framework “Wider Europe: New Neighbourhood” will be of more practical nature and the support was proposed in this matter. The Latvian side proposed his support to raise the issue of the Armenian Genocide in PACE PA summer session being held in Washington. Cooperation between the parties, NGOs and MP women was proposed.

The sides highlighted the cooperation between three Baltic republics and three South Caucasus republics and discussed also other matters of mutual interest.

At the end of meeting with enlarged staff: Tigran Torosyan, RA NA Vice President and Chairman of the Ad-hoc Committee on Matters of Integration in European Structures and Oskars Kastens, Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs signed an understanding memorandum on integration in European Union.

It’s noted in the memorandum that the sides, welcoming the established warm relations between RA and LR and the progress of the political dialogue, the decision of the Council of Europe in including Armenia in the programme “Wider Europe: New Neighbourhood” and the achievements, that Latvia has in the process of integration in the European Union, which led to the membership of Latvia to European Union on May 1, 2004, the strive and achievements of Armenia in the direction of European Integration, the readiness of the Latvian Saeima to share its achieved knowledge and experience in the process of integration in European Union with RA National Assembly, being convinced that the national parliaments play important role in the process of integration of their countries in the European Union and are the most important bodies in providing successful, transparent and democratic process in integration, agreed to promote RA NA in the successful implementation of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between RA and European communities and their member states, increasing the awareness of the decision makers, opinion shapers and Armenian society on European key problems, contributing to the further integration of Armenia to the family of European nations.

The cooperation will provide the Latvian Saeima to assist the National Assembly with its experience in integration into European Union and in complying the national legislation with the European criteria. The goal of the cooperation is to promote the progress the interests of Armenia and Latvia in the relations with European institutions and especially during the development and pursuance of the policy “Wider Europe: New Neighbourhood.” The cooperation of the parliamentary delegations of RA National Assembly and NK Saeima in the European institutions, exchange of information on law-making activities between two sides, and the establishment of direct relations between the parliamentary committees, stable relations and cooperation of the parliamentary staffs are envisaged within the framework of the memorandum. In order to provide progress in consistence with stipulated spheres cooperation programmes will be developed for the fulfillment of which necessary financing will be impossible to provide from European Union or other supporting programmes.

The delegation headed by Ingrida Udre, Speaker of the Saeima of Latvia lay wreath to the memory of the victims of the Genocide in Tsitsernakaberd.

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