Armen Ashotyan: We Highlight the Right Direction of Young People\'s Potential in the Development of Our Country
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On March 23, the Chairman of the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Armen Ashotyan received the young people taking part in the programme bearing the heading New Political Culture organized by Konrad Adenauer Foundation, representing all marzes of Armenia.

Welcoming the young people, Armen Ashotyan has highlighted their visit to the National Assembly, noting that how the parliament would be for the society and the youth, so it would become a platform enjoying public trust. The Committee Chairman has noted that this sees the hundredth anniversary of our First Republic, May heroic battles, but also the parliament of our country.

Armena Ashotyan urged the young people to study well for reaching successes, be in command of foreign languages and have their own contribution to the development of the country.

By Armen Ashotyan's proposal the meeting went in Q & A session: the questions mainly related to the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement signed between the European Union and Armenia, the NK problem settlement process and the visit of the Armenian parliamentary delegation to the USA.