District |
Birth date |
10.04.1967 |
Party |
"Armenian Revolutionary Federation" /ARF/ |
Faction |
Committees |
Membership |
E-mail |
Born on April 10, 1967 in Yerevan.
1986 - 1988 - Served in the Soviet Army.
1986 - Graduated from the faculty of Decorative Design of the Yerevan Terlemezian Fine Arts College. Artist - designer.
2008 - Graduated from the Faculty of History and Law of Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute named after Hovhannes Tumanyan. Teacher of History and Law.
Participant in the Artsakh Liberation War.
1992 - 2002 - Correspondent for the “Yerkir” daily.
January 03, 2002 - December 01, 2002 - Responsible person for the party organizational works in the ARF Supreme Body.
December 01, 2002 - May 12, 2007 and June 01, 2012 - January 16, 2014 - Chair of the ARF Supreme Body.
2007 - 2012 - Deputy to the National Assembly (proportional electoral system, ARF.) Member of the Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs of the National Assembly. Member of the inter-parliamentary Assembly of CIS participant states and NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Member of the ARF faction.
January 14, 2014 - Elected Deputy of the National Assembly by the proportional electoral system from the ARF party.
Awarded Medals for “Shushi Liberation” (1994, NKR,) “Marshal Baghramyan” (2003, MD,) “Military Service” (2007, NKR) and Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia: 20 Years” Jubilee (2012, MD.)
Married, with three children.