Meruzhan Simonyan
Birth date
"Prosperous Armenia"
02.07.2012 - 09.11.2012
Committee on Ethics  

Born on September 4, 1963 in Voghchi (Syunik province.)

1981 - 1983 - Served in the Soviet Army.

1988 - Graduated from the faculty of Economics of the Armenian Agricultural Institute. Economist, Organizer for Agro industry.

1980 - 1981 - Worker in the “Syunik” farm, then in Kapan Forestry.

1984 - 1985  - Economist in the “Spin” factory in Kapan.

1985 - 1990 - Chief specialist in  Sevakar farm.

1990 - 1992 - Chief specialist in  Syunik poultry.

1995 - 1997 - State Tax Inspector of the Taxation Division of the Income Taxation of the Citizens, then Senior State Tax Inspector of Property Tax Inspectorate (TI) of the Republic of Armenia.

1997 - 1999 - Worked at Syunik territorial division of the 4th Department of the TI.

1999 - 2001 - Head of Syunik Territorial Division of the Department of the Intelligence Operations of the State Revenue Ministry of the Republic of Armenia. Head of Tax Inspectorate of Syunik province.

2001 - 2009 - Head of the Tax Inspectorate of Kapan.

2009 - Head of Intelligence Operative  Division of the Territorial Tax Inspectorate of Yeghegnadzor of the AG SRC of the Republic of Armenia.

2011 - 2012 - Head of the 19th Division of the Intelligence Operative of the AG SRC of the Republic of Armenia. Colonel of Tax Service.

May 6, 2012 - Elected Deputy of the National Assembly by proportional electoral system from the “Prosperous Armenia” party.

Married, with two children.