Standing Committee on European Integration
Spheres of activities: links with the European Union and the Council of Europe, harmonization of laws of the Republic of Armenia with European legislation
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Mr. ADONTS (Armenia) . – I thank Lord Russell-Johnston for being as sincere and straight as possible. Without resorting to general and vague definitions, he managed, in my opinion, to present to the Assembly the current situation in Kosovo and its future in the most comprehensible manner possible.

Starting in the final decades of the last century, we have confronted new geopolitical realities in the Eurasian continent that are now demanding solutions. In most cases, those solutions are extremely difficult to achieve, yet the international community should do its utmost to achieve them. Once an empire or state collapses, as the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia did, it can be predicted that the political map of the continent will be redrawn. In such cases, the whole civilized world should combine its efforts to ensure that fundamental human rights, the most important of which are the right to life and security, are not violated.

All of us acknowledge that the situation in Kosovo is complicated. It is made even more elaborate by the fact that it directly impacts on peace and stability in Europe. Moreover, it is anticipated that the clarification of Kosovo’s status will have not only regional but international applications. All the conflicts in the world are unique in their essence, and their resolution requires unique approaches. Although there can be similarities between different conflicts, the resolution model for one should not serve as a precedent for another. However, all of them should be under international law, and double standards should be avoided.

The report mentions several times that the potential for finding a compromise between Belgrade and Pristina has now been exhausted. The rapporteur and others probably came to that conclusion on the basis of their experience in numerous rounds of negotiation. I strongly believe, however, that the international community, and particularly EU member states, still have the capacity to utilize their efforts for at least the preservation of peace and the continuation of a dialogue, irrespective of Kosovo’s status. I am against any manifestation of haste and pressure on this issue.

The issue of Kosovo is a matter of European security and stability. I share Lord Russell-Johnston’s opinion that the European Union should speak with a unanimous voice on this matter. However, from another point of view, I guess that the issue is not only a European one, but is much broader.

I want at the end of my remarks to mention my strong belief that the Kosovo issue is not a matter for speculation in the context of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. What has been mentioned by my Azeri colleague is absolutely unrelated, in this case, to the report, and in general to the core and essence of that conflict. What is really regrettable about such a stance is that the information is presented in an utterly distorted way and misleads all participants.

Verbatim records of January 22 session in full are available on the PACE website.