Galust Sahakyan's Congratulatory Message on Maternity and Beauty Day
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“Dear mothers,

I congratulate you on the occasion of Maternity and Beauty Day.

With its significance and content this day symbolizes a completeness of values, which serve as priority among us, which make our life lighter and genuinely rich, which strengthen our spiritual and moral guidelines. Each of those values has certain measure and limit, but in case of you, mothers, they exist in the eternity.

You are able to unlimitedly and immeasurably beautify and enrich the life, giving birth to the next citizen of the country. You are able to love and devote yourself, be patient and forgive without putting any measure and limit.

However, in this immensity typical of only you – mothers, you always can see the borders of the Motherland inside you, which being defended most of all, nevertheless, needs continuous protection and care. And without hesitation you are also able to send your son to ensure the security of the Motherland’s borders.

Once again congratulating you with deep sense of gratitude on this holiday full of light, dear mothers, I wish you health, love, happiness and warmth: these are what every child, born thanks to you, always receives from you. Let your each day open with peace.”

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