Speech by the RA NA President Galust Sahakyan on the Shooting Down of the NKR Helicopter
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“Dear colleagues,

Yesterday during a training flight the helicopter of the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army has been shot down by the Azerbaijani armed forces.

This is the next provoking action of the official Baku directed at the fragile peace and security of the region. After the obvious provoking and adventurous encroachments occurred in August of this year the mediation efforts and exhortations of the OSCE Minsk Group activity in fact are ignored with stressed cynicism by the Azerbaijani authorities. This is one more step of failing the negotiation peaceful process, by which all the agreements over the peaceful settlement, strengthening of trust and preservation of ceasefire regime are violated. The whole responsibility of the escalation of the situation and efforts of destabilization bear the Baku authorities, thus, I call on once again to the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries to condemn and have more distinct, targeting influence on Azerbaijan for preventing the efforts of failing the peaceful settlement process.

Dear deputies, during a training flight while fulfilling their military duty three servicemen of the NK Defense Army, Commander Mayor Sergey Sahakyan, Senior Lieutenant Sargis Nazaryan and Lieutenant Azat Sahakyan, were killed. Let us honour with a minute of silence the killed servicemen’s memory.”

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