National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia | Official Web Page | www.parliament.amNational Assembly of the Republic of Armenia | Official Web Page |
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Dear friend,

You are on the official website of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, the highest representative body of the Republic of Armenia.

The National Assembly is formed exclusively through the expression of the free will of our citizens. The parliament is one of the symbols of the statehood of Armenia, the embodiment of many years' aspirations of the Armenian people. The mission of the legislature is to form the key guidelines for ensuring the productivity of the vital activity of the society.

One of the main goals of the National Assembly is to ensure the state-society bilateral communication, which is of paramount importance for the continuous development of our nation and strengthening its place and role in the world. Parliament is widely involved in the activity of establishing public and political decisions.

The official website of the National Assembly has a rich information base. With an accessible and simple structure, you can easily navigate here, find the information you need, and gain a vast store of knowledge.

We wish you a productive work.

Welcome to the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia.


 All news
31 items included in draft agenda of NA regular sittings to be convened on January 20
On January 17, the Council of the National Assembly was held. The RA NA President Alen Simonyan presided over it.The draft agendas of the ninth sessio...
Important operational reforms implemented in cooperation with RA NA also presented within the framework of the Parliament Support Project
On January 17, the event Advancing Results: Strengthening Refugees and Their Host Communities was held, which was organized within the framework of th...
Committee endorses debated draft laws in second reading
At January 15 sitting, the RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport debated in the second reading the draft ...
Artur Martirosyan: Alliance for Cultural Heritage in Asia to become new platform for sharing best practices
On January 16, at the sitting of the Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport the draft law On Ratifying the Statu...
It is proposed to make changes to 2017-2020 State Property Privatization Programme
The RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport endorsed the draft law on Amending the law On 2017-2020 State P...
Committee debates in first reading law on Youth Policy
One of the important priorities of the government’s activities is the policy aimed at youth, the basis of which is the creation of favourable conditio...
It will be possible to identify and clarify areas of monuments, their territories and areas occupied by conservation zones
The adoption of the draft law will allow to clarify the status of immovable monuments of history and culture and the land areas and conservation zones...
Legislative initiative aimed at implementing proper supervision in the sphere of education
The necessity to develop a legislative package is conditioned by the necessity to ensure proper supervision in the education sphere. The Head of the I...
A number of regulations in field of preschool education to be clarified: Amendments to law are proposed
Based on the necessity to resolve issues arising in legal practice, it is proposed to make amendments and addenda to the RA Law on Preschool Education...
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